Barn Wedding

Tiffany & Jacob | Elysburg, PA by Tara Tayan

Tiff and Jacob tied the knot on Jacob’s family property near Elysburg, Pennsylvania. Right behind the red barn, they decorated a handmade altar and ceremony area with dusty blue and navy accents. It started out as a warm, beautiful day however just as we ended our first look and portrait session, the rain came. It torrentially down poured for about 15 minutes, bringing dark skies and dampness to everything. “It’s like rainnnn on your wedding day…” I sang.

It did not deter the fun of the day at all! As soon as there was a break in the clouds everyone scrambled to take the remaining photos and start the ceremony with as many umbrellas on hand as possible. The rain held off literally the perfect amount of time because it started pouring as soon as we all entered the reception.

With favors of moonshine and shots of whiskey waiting for the wedding party, they were all ready to get down! A perfect way to end the night - dancing and drinking with all your closest friends! :)