The Road Trip to Atlanta Part II / by Tara Tayan

The drive down didn’t leave much time for stopping, other than a night in D.C.  visiting some friends, but that stop did not produce many useable photographs.  We had more time on the drive home providing opportunities to make a few stops.  With stops planned at a friend’s house in Asheville, North Carolina and a self-guided tour of the Petersburg Battlefield National Park in Virginia, we headed home.

Heading into the Blue Ridge Mountains!

Heading into the Blue Ridge Mountains!

Asheville is a city nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains.  The scenic landscapes from atop mountain overlooks have always made it a vacation destination, but in recent years it has also become a micro-brewing hot spot.  The breweries made f…

Asheville is a city nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains.  The scenic landscapes from atop mountain overlooks have always made it a vacation destination, but in recent years it has also become a micro-brewing hot spot.  The breweries made for good exploring as well.  We thought Wicked Weed Brewing took the honors of best brewery/beer.  It helped that they were selling their Freak of Nature 2x IPA on a happy hour special for about 2 dollars.  Needless to say, few photos were taken as a result. Top of the Monk is not a brewery, but equally as cool.  It is an unmarked, members only speak-easy (it wasn't that hard to become a member, you pay a dollar).  Members are also entitled to a small snack with every cocktail they order, obtained by unlocking it from a box with a key that comes with the drink.  

Ben led us on a hike far above Montreat College where he teaches history.  He also showed off his photography skills!  Blue Ridge refers to the blueish tint that mountains seem to have,  apparently it's from the amount of oxygen given…

Ben led us on a hike far above Montreat College where he teaches history.  He also showed off his photography skills!  Blue Ridge refers to the blueish tint that mountains seem to have,  apparently it's from the amount of oxygen given off by the dense forest that covers them.  

Ben also toured us around Montreat College which is hidden away in a forest filled valley.

Ben also toured us around Montreat College which is hidden away in a forest filled valley.

Even if you don't consider yourself a Civil War buff, Petersburg National Battlefield provides a great break for anyone traveling on I-95 just south of Richmond.  A road snakes its way between the Union and Confederate lines that held for 9 mon…

Even if you don't consider yourself a Civil War buff, Petersburg National Battlefield provides a great break for anyone traveling on I-95 just south of Richmond.  A road snakes its way between the Union and Confederate lines that held for 9 months as the Union army laid siege to the city.  This provides plenty of quick stopping points.  There are also hiking trails if you prefer exploring on foot.

Each side erected huge earthworks over the course of the 9 month stalemate.  The remnants  can still be seen today, but climbing on them is frowned upon. 

Each side erected huge earthworks over the course of the 9 month stalemate.  The remnants  can still be seen today, but climbing on them is frowned upon. 

The photo above is the Union line.  The photo below shows the view looking toward the Confederate line.  For months each side dug in within shouting distance of the enemy.

The photo above is the Union line.  The photo below shows the view looking toward the Confederate line.  For months each side dug in within shouting distance of the enemy.

Remnants from the Battle of the Crater: see movie clip for details.

Remnants from the Battle of the Crater: see movie clip for details.

If you're looking for BBQ in Richmond you have to go to Buz and Ned's.  Zack loves to tell the story from the first time he dined here... A father was overheard disappointedly asking his son who had left a little meat on his bones, "well y…

If you're looking for BBQ in Richmond you have to go to Buz and Ned's.  Zack loves to tell the story from the first time he dined here... A father was overheard disappointedly asking his son who had left a little meat on his bones, "well you're not going to suck on them first?"  That's when you know you're at the right place!

If you missed The Road Trip to Atlanta Part I, click here!